Aura and Chakra Healings and Readings

Aura and chakra is within Healings instead of Readings because the goal in connecting with the guides and guardian angels in providing you with an aura and chakra reading is to help you work through your energy in the healing process. By focusing on the experiences that your aura is demonstrating, an aura reading provides methods you can use to help heal yourself from experiences that are affecting your life.

Aura and Chakra Healings

You may request a healing for your chakra or aura. The chakra being the spiritual connection that runs all over your body. These are Healing points located in certain parts of your body. The Aura is the overall energy of the body which both are represented by all the colours in the colour spectrum. Each part of our body emits a different level of vibration because each cell is designed to introduce its own type of energy level. It’s when we feel stressed, traumatised, loved, at peace, feeling unwell or wishing to regain inner balance that our energies change. 

Our Aura is the colour around our body and the chakra is the colour of the energy on our body. This is breaking it down to the physical. But generally, it is about the bodies amplifying its own energy level at different parts of the body. The body understands more than we can imagine and its function means it can absorb our stress and our understanding. Our body reacts and so does our energies around us. By tapping into the body’s energy we can begin to heal through our experiences and therefore heal our body.

How Aura and Chakra Works



The aura is the colourful essence surrounding every part of your body. It is a rainbow of magic that illuminates every inch around your body and it’s vibration reflects your energetic vibration, i.e. the colour of your aura will show if you’re afraid, in love, calm, happy, peaceful or reflective. It reflects all of your emotions both overall and in separate areas of your body. So, the colour of your arm may vary from the colour of your leg, head or torso. Similarly to tarot, object and other  readings, auras as a tool by which your body’s barometer is measured, can be used to provide a reading.

Each part of a person amplifies a different aura and if requested, separate auric readings for specific parts or areas are available. That is, a request for an aura reading for yourself will get an overall colour reading of you. However, you may request a reading of your arm, your leg or even your elbow. Each area or part of the body gives a different energetic vibration and hence, a different aura. Further to this, when internal or external change happens, our aura also changes, e.g. when experiencing pain our body reacts and this will be shown on an energetic level showing a change in that body parts aura.

Our visual association with auras is commonly of people in a rainbow coloured picture where peoples colours line up with each other. However, this is not always the case because each individual experience we have in our lives can alter the colours of our perfect aura. The aura readings I provide vary quite substantially as I take a snapshot of what the aura is of the experience, item, person or object that is being read in the moment. For example, you may request an aura and or chakra reading for your vehicle's headlight or a Harley Davidson.

View Psychic Art for more examples of object aura readings.


Your chakra varies quite significantly because it is the centre point of the vibration of the energy. Commonly depicted as a funnel, it is a spinning cone from many parts of the body. Your body produces the energy based on it combined with your experience. Vibrated from each part of the body, it then throws it out and takes in the energy around it and thus then populates your energy around you. This energy becomes your aura. We also take on other peoples energy as ther people can take ours, which changes our aura, energy and emotions. This can result in a toxic auric energetic vibration that unsettles us and clouds the energy around us and results in affecting others.

The Benefits of an Aura or Chakra Reading

Aura and Chakra Healing

An Archtic Moon aura reading speaks of the energy at the time and this is what we as healers work with. When we face people daily we often feel their energy may be low or indeed high. By looking at an aura, I can provide a Healing for you to help work through your energy. I will be able to work with my guides and guardian angels to help cleanse or rebalance your aura or chakra.

Method of delivery & How to Book an Aura or Chakra Reading

My guides and guardian angels come through and will provide you with a reading of your aura and chakra. You may request a healing from your aura or chakra reading. In connection with my guides and guardian angels, I provide aura and chakra readings on several levels: I can provide a healing, working with your energetic field to see how your aura and chakra is affecting you. Then, an Archtic Moon healing working with your energy to provide you with messages about your aura and chakra. I may place my hands on you to connect with these points or I may provide a kind of 'polarity or hands-off' healing. I may also use crystals.

Alternatively, auric psychic art readings are available, using pastel to illustrate your aura or chakra energy. Messages from your guides and guardian angels are provided but these do not involve placing my hands on you or using crystals. Aura and chakra psychic art readings are available for any object requested. The exception is of another person, unless they are a child you have requested. There may be times where the energy of that person comes up in a reading but you cannot request an aura and chakra healing or psychic art picture of another person without their consent.

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More in this category: « Healings Archtic Moon Spells »

Have your own unique psychic artwork produced with a Psychic Art Reading.

Psychic artworks are an auric 'snapshot' of your reading. A picture of your personal psychic footprint. To book a reading with psychic artwork please see the Price List & Enquiry Form.

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